Paper vs PDF
If you order a paper copy you will be sent a printed version of our pattern. If you select PDF, you are purchasing a digital file which will be stored on your account to be downloaded at any time. PDF's will include a tiled, an A0 copy shop file and your instructions. The tiled file can be used on any home printer and stuck together and is compatible with both A4 and US letter paper. Alternatively, you can send off the copy shop file to be printed full size; we can usually recommend someone in your area. If you are in the UK, we would recommend The Fold Line. The instructions can either be printed at home or simply follow along on your computer or phone.
You will need
Matching thread.
Main fabric -
120cm wide - 1.50M.
150cm wide 1.30M.
2 x 30mm (1.25") adjustable metal sliders.
2 x 30mm (1.25") brace clips.
Fabrics Pictured (from left to right)
The sample in the picture is made from Khaki Dry Oilskin, which can be found here.
If you are particularly broad or making this for a man, you may want to make the straps a little longer. You can always reduce them back down to the original length if needed.